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Just Breathe

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I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. Joseph Pilates famously said, “Breathing is the first act of life and the last. Our very life depends on it” and a century later, here we are, trying to learn (and unlearn) this most natural act! In the last few weeks, we have been receiving a lot of questions on the Lateral Breathing technique we teach and practice at PFW.

I have taken the liberty of addressing three most asked questions which I hope you find useful. Please feel free to share them with friends and family as well – everyone can truly benefit from this.

How does one practice Lateral Breathing?

Inhale through the nostrils to expand the ribs sideways or laterally and exhale through the mouth to contract the ribs and draw the abdominals in. Ensure not to pop the belly out both during inhalation and exhalation.

What are the benefits of Lateral Breathing?
It allows us to use the ribcage to its maximum movement potential. With every inhalation, the ribs separate and elongate the spine, thereby reducing pressure on the discs and strengthening our torso. Helps to maintain correct posture throughout a Pilates session. Calms the mind, relieves stress and reduces blood pressure. Improves immunity.

How does Lateral Breathing improve our immunity?

It strengthens the Transverse Abdominus muscles, that assist the lungs in promoting healthy breathing. Additionally, the Calf Muscles also provide movement of the lymph tissue throughout the body, which further boosts immunity. It stimulates lymphatic drainage and cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, which again is crucial to immunity building.

If you have any questions on Lateral Breathing or on your Pilates practice, feel free to respond to this email and I will be happy to answer them. Stay safe, stay healthy!

The concept of mindfulness, being present in the moment, has gained popularity in the wellness sphere.
As holistic wellbeing and the mind-body-spirit connection become increasingly important, incorporating a meditative practice into your fitness routine is essential.
Classical Pilates, in particular, is known to enhance focus and concentration, allowing you to fully engage in activities without distraction.

Practicing mindful Pilates has shown positive effects on concentration levels.
It enables practitioners to immerse themselves in activities, such as reading or appreciating their surroundings, without succumbing to distractions.
Research suggests that children and teenagers who engage in Pilates also experience improved focus, enhancing their academic performance.